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Sean Stephenson Motivational Quotes

    Top Quotes of Sean Stephenson

    Sean Stephenson Quotes
    Sean Stephenson Quotes
    1. “I’m not afraid to make mistakes, that’s why my life rocks!” – Sean Stephenson
    2. “If we could get paid to be distracted, everyone would be rich!” – Sean Stephenson
    3. “Pain is inevitable, it eventually touches us all. Suffering is optional.” – Sean Stephenson
    4. “That which takes effort, improves your life.” – Sean Stephenson
    5. “The happiest people I know don’t watch TV, they read books.” – Sean Stephenson
    6. ” Until you believe you have options, you’ll continue to feel stuck. ” – Sean Stephenson
    7. “Until you take ownership for your life, you will always be chasing happiness.” – Sean Stephenson
    8. “What people say about you is none of your business.” – Sean Stephenson
    9. ” You make a new life by making new choices.” – Sean Stephenson
    10. “Do at least one thing a day that isn’t easy but rewarding.” – Sean Stephenson

    Sean Stephenson Quotes on Life and Dream

    As crass as it may sound, sometimes life does suck! Our challenge is to pull through and trust that we can alter the future with each choice we make in the present.

    Sean Stephenson

    Doubt is a virus that attacks our self-esteem, productivity and confidence. Faith that you and your life are perfectly unfolding is the strongest vaccine.

    Sean Stephenson

    Fairness is an illusion. Fairness never existed and never will. No one in life gets less or more than anyone else. We just get different stuff.

    Sean Stephenson

    I came to understand that motivating people for an hour on stage was not enough. I wanted to help the people in my audience develop a life that was free of inner strife and outer chaos. Inspiring quotes, colorful stories, and lighthearted activities weren’t enough to bring about change on a deeper level.

    Sean Stephenson

    If you can have fun even when you’re facing pain, life will be tremendously awesome!

    Sean Stephenson

    In your life you’ll be criticized for speaking up and criticized for remaining silent. Criticism is a part of the path.

    Sean Stephenson

    Life is a process of growing into your greatness.

    Sean Stephenson

    No one accidentally falls into a really crappy life. They built it slowly over years of neglecting the essentials.

    Sean Stephenson

    No one stumbles into an awesome life, filled with wealth, health, and love. Epic lives are the result of epic planning.

    Sean Stephenson

    To live a great life: Get paid to do your passion. Marry someone amazing. Take great care of your health. Give back!

    Sean Stephenson

    If you have a heartbeat, there’s still time for your dreams.

    Sean Stephenson

    Make dreams happen for other people and you’ll be flooded with miracles.

    Sean Stephenson

    Motivational Quotes of Sean Stephenson

    A boy finds a girl to go bed with; a man finds a woman to wake up to.

    Sean Stephenson

    Anytime you’re trying to prove yourself to someone, it’s a form of arrogance. When you’re trying to improve yourself, it’s a form of confidence.

    Sean Stephenson

    Choose the words you say to yourself wisely; they are creating your reality.

    Sean Stephenson

    Communication is merely an exchange of information, but connection is an exchange of our humanity.

    Sean Stephenson

    Creating heaven on earth will take raising some hell.

    Sean Stephenson

    Find people who love you unconditionally, surround yourself with them, and bring them the same level of intensity.

    Sean Stephenson

    Gratitude is simply focused appreciation. It is nearly impossible to be upset in a space of gratitude.

    Sean Stephenson

    Happiness is an interpretation, the optimistic interpretation of that which happens to you.

    Sean Stephenson

    Humans love to be sick or sad because that’s when their tribe rushes to comfort them. Careful, pity is addictive.

    Sean Stephenson

    I was just informed that people only listen to me because of my wheelchair. Humans can be so silly sometimes, can’t they?

    Sean Stephenson

    If you can navigate around the distractions the Universe will bow to your will.

    Sean Stephenson

    If you live at your personal best you’ll upset those who are afraid to live at theirs. Never-the-less, proceed boldly.

    Sean Stephenson

    If you talked to your friends the way you talk to yourself, you probably wouldn’t have any friends.

    Sean Stephenson

    In the Great Depression there were more millionaires made per capita than any time in the world.

    Sean Stephenson

    It’s never your fault, but it’s always your responsibility.

    Sean Stephenson

    It’s silly to worry about what others might be saying and thinking about you. Whatever they’re saying, it’s not really about you – it’s about them. In fact, what people say or think about you is a direct reflection of what they may be feeling about themselves. Don’t even think about it.

    Sean Stephenson

    Making a mistake might cost you a job. Not making any mistakes will cost you your destiny.

    Sean Stephenson

    Most people who are really negative don’t see themselves as negative. They see themselves as being realistic and honest.

    Sean Stephenson

    Never believe a prediction that does not empower you.

    Sean Stephenson

    One of the greatest illusions of the mind is the belief that how you feel now is how you’ll always feel.

    Sean Stephenson

    Self-pity is a drug… Pity is a drug. Your first hit on the pity pipe makes you feel good, but it’s just a temporary fix. All too soon, it leaves you in a darker place, craving more.

    Sean Stephenson

    Shy behaviour is triggered the second we start thinking about ourselves. The moment we start thinking and acting selflessly, reaching out to help those around us, shyness subsides.

    Sean Stephenson

    Some people would rather stay stuck on their BUTS, addicted to the certainty of failure, than risk the possibility of disappointment.

    Sean Stephenson

    Sometimes jerks win. So what? Doesn’t mean you have to be one to win.

    Sean Stephenson

    Take care of your mind, body, and spirit and the rest will be handed to you on a silver platter.

    Sean Stephenson

    Tell them what they want to hear, they’ll love you but grow weak. Tell them what they need to hear, they’ll resent you but grow strong.

    Sean Stephenson

    The best friendships are void of guilt and keeping score.

    Sean Stephenson

    The next time you find yourself stressing out, look for what’s funny in the situation instead of what’s not fair.

    Sean Stephenson

    The quality of your beliefs and the self-talk that supports those beliefs determine the quality of your emotions.

    Sean Stephenson

    There’s not a pharmaceutical in the world that can compete with the positive results of a good night of restful sleep.

    Sean Stephenson

    To go far you have to stop counting the miles and just celebrate the drive.

    Sean Stephenson

    To stay happy you need to be vigilant over what goes into your mind and out of your mouth.

    Sean Stephenson

    Want more energy? Stop making excuses, complaining, and worrying. The body does not run efficiently when fed that crap.

    Sean Stephenson

    Want to be taken more seriously? Achieve greater results.

    Sean Stephenson

    We all want to be right. It’s what drains us most.

    Sean Stephenson

    What’s popular isn’t always right, and what’s right isn’t always popular.

    Sean Stephenson

    When we constantly focus on what others think of us (more correctly, what we think others think of us), we make every decision in a space of hesitation and fear.

    Sean Stephenson

    When you attempt to please others by doing what doesn’t please you, the result is always resentment.

    Sean Stephenson

    Whenever I share my secrets to success & happiness, many people roll their eyes and say, Nah, that’s too simple!

    Sean Stephenson

    Women don’t want a man to look a certain way. They want a man to make them feel a certain way.

    Sean Stephenson

    You a PUA? Consider evolving to a FLA. What’s that? A finding love artist. Casual sex is nowhere near as cool as love.

    Sean Stephenson

    You’ll go further when you stop competing and start cooperating with yourself.

    Sean Stephenson

    You’re not spiritual if you talk trash about religion and you’re not religious if you judge the hell out of others.

    Sean Stephenson

    You’re sad, angry, tired, or want to quit… so what? Do you want it, or do you just want something to bitch about?

    Sean Stephenson

    Your poor me story doesn’t keep you company; it keeps you hostage.

    Sean Stephenson

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