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Sri Dharma Mittra Quotes


    Dharma Mittra was born on May 14, 1939, in Pirapora, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Sri Dharma Mittra is a master of modern yoga and a student of Sri Swami Kailashananda. He started studying Yoga in 1958. He is known for his Master Yoga Chart of 908 Postures. He has been teaching since 1967, and is director of the Dharma Yoga Center in New York City which he founded in 1975. Here we have Sri Dharma Mittra Quotes in this page

         After intensive study of Ashtanga and Karma Yoga, he was accepted and initiated as a sannyasi. Sri Dharma Mittra has dedicated most of his life in service to humanity teaching yoga, the ancient knowledge of how to attain radiant health and development.

    Sri Dharma Mittra Sayings

    If you open your heart and become like a child, you will always be blissful, always content.

    Sri Dharma Mittra

    You have to go to the very edge again and again. That’s how eventually you go beyond.

    Sri Dharma Mittra

    Be kind to everyone; forgive everyone

    Sri Dharma Mittra

    People become depressed when they neglect their spiritual practice

    Sri Dharma Mittra

    Your worst enemy is your own self when you are not under control.

    Sri Dharma Mittra

    With practice, you’ll be able to hold your mind for a long time on one thing.

    Sri Dharma Mittra

    Habits from the past cause you to do things you don’t want to do

    Sri Dharma Mittra

    When you are self-controlled, you like yourself

    Sri Dharma Mittra

    Remember, everybody passes through the same thing.

    Sri Dharma Mittra

    When you are doing things together, you are inside the collective mind, and share psychic knowledge with each other. That is how you become one

    Sri Dharma Mittra

    Everything depends on your mental attitude.

    Sri Dharma Mittra

    With the Ethical Rules and a little concentration, anything is possible.

    Sri Dharma Mittra

    Every time you have a chance, go within and do your meditation.

    Sri Dharma Mittra

    See yourself in the practice you are not able to access right now. Imagine yourself in it.

    Sri Dharma Mittra

    If you could, keep watching your breathing all the time. As soon as you stop watching, it goes out of control.

    Sri Dharma Mittra

    Don’t teach too many postures; just the main ones, and hold them for a long time.

    Sri Dharma Mittra

    There is a time to be still in the pose.

    Sri Dharma Mittra

    Sri Dharma Mittra quotes with images