Be the cause of unity. Fight against corruption. Flair the flag of our nation, Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
Feel the pride of being a part of such a glorious Nation. Here are my warm wishes for this auspicious day. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
Being a citizen of a freedom country comes with a lot of added responsibility to behave according to the liberty. Use the power wisely and enjoy the positivity. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
Carried with care, coated with prie, dipped in love, fly in glory, moments of freedom in shade of joy. Proud to be an Indian. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
Celebrate the day with a bunch of silent prayers for those who have made it possible for us to live in a free nation. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.

Freedom is in our mind, faith in the words, pride is in the soul. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better. Independence is another term for liberty and freedom. Proud to be a Sri Lankan. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
Freedom is one of the most expensive commodities. No amount of money will be enough to buy freedom. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
Independence Day is both: an occasion to celebrate. And to remember the struggles for earning it. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
Independence is a precious gift of god. May we always remain independent. Happy Sri Lankan independence day to you.
It is the result of sacrifices and struggles of many brave. Let us reverence them today. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
It makes the heart beat with pride and honour to see the colours of Independence Day spreading happiness and great joys all around. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
Let the people from all walks of life and every section of the society celebrates the day by sharing heartfelt messages, wishes, videos and songs on social media. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
Let us enjoy the spirit of independent Sri Lanka. Blessed for the freedom to soak the free skies. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
Let us make this day our inspiration to stand high and mighty. Be proud to be a Sri Lankan. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
Let us rejoice the happiness and indulge ourselves in the celebration. Salutinh them who made it possible. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
Let’s rejoice the spirit of Independent Sri Lanka. Blessed to hae the freedom to soar the unbound sky. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
May the glory of Independence be with us forever! Let’s celebrate the spirit of Sri Lanka all together. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
On this special Day, here is wishing our dreams of a new tomorrow come true. May your Independence Day be filled with patriotic spirit. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
On this Sri Lankan Independence Day, we vouch for the bravery, patriotism and all those who have loved the country with all their heart and earned this freedom.
Out from the bounds of those who showed their power. Sri Lanka is a land of free thought and will. Have a great Independence Day, to all the Sri Lankans.
Salute and wave the national flag! Up above and high. Rejoice and share our national pride. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
Sri Lanka has been a model developing nation for years now and with the Independence on the 4th of February, the country has never looked back ever since 1948!
Sri Lanka is a power in the making and the youth of the country will enable it to reach out to the place it always deserves to be in. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
Sri Lanka is a proud country because our independence isn’t a result of long battles and war, rather we are one of those countries that got is with peace.
Sri Lanka is a small land and hence the bond between each person in the country is very eminent. Together we bloom for a better tomorrow. Happy Independence Day.
The country shall only change for greater good when the people living in it are changing towards a positive life. Happy Independence Day Sri Lanka.
The day a country like Sri Lanka got freedom, it was a chance for them to be better at everything they do! Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
The Sri Lankan flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with pride and prosperity.
Though the country has achieved independence, it is time for achieving the much needed economic independence and shining amidst all the stable economies o the world. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
We are proud to be Sri Lankan and there is every reason to rejoice being in a country so beautiful and amazing! Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day. We love Sri Lanka!
Will there be people who have the conscience to contribute to the country by changing themselves first? This is what the need of the moment. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
With compassion and friendship, there is a greater unity in the country and the walk towards successful independence is hence easier. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
With freedom comes the responsibility to grow and be a shining star in the constellation. We Sri Lankans, make sure that we shine throughout the world on each and every. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.
It is the result of sacrifice and struggle of many brave. Let us pay tribute to him today. Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day.