- Top Quotes of Sadhguru
- Sadhguru Quotes On Life
- Sadhguru Quotes On Love and Relationship
- Sadhguru Quotes On Mind
- Sadhguru Quotes On Work
Top Quotes of Sadhguru

Incredible things can be done simply if we are committed to making them happen.
Confidence and stupidity are a very dangerous combination, but they generally go together.
Every opinion you have about anything can be a limiting identity.

Learning to listen is the essence of intelligent living.
Responsibility simply means your ability to respond.
The man who does only as much as is needed will only get that much.
To be human means you can mold situations you are living in the way you want them.
Unless you do the right things, the right things will not happen to you.
When pain, misery, or anger happen, it is time to look within you, not around you.
Yogis are not against pleasure. It is just that they are unwilling to settle for little pleasures. They are greedy.
Sadhguru Quotes On Life
If you handle your entire life with logic alone, you will end up a mess.
A human is not a being; he is a becoming. He is an ongoing process – a possibility. For this possibility to be made use of there is a whole system of understanding the mechanics of how this life functions and what we can do with it, which we refer to as yoga.
But being on the spiritual path is not about making life pleasant. It’s about seeing how to transcend both the pleasant and the unpleasant.
By consciously getting your body into a certain posture, you can also elevate your consciousness, you can change the very way you feel, think, understand, and experience life simply by sitting in a particular way.
Death is a fiction created by people who live their lives in total unawareness. There is only life, life and life alone, moving from one dimension to another, another dimension to another.
Don’t think of this as your first step or last step. Just be here as a piece of life. That is the best way to be. You are not a young man; you are not an old man. You are just a piece of life.
Every moment there are a million miracles happening around you: a flower blossoming, a bird tweeting, a bee humming, a raindrop falling, a snowflake wafting along the clear evening air. There’s magic everywhere. If you learn how to live it, life is nothing short of a daily miracle.
I am not talking about you being a spectator, I am talking about involvement. I am talking about involving yourself into life in such a way that you dissolve into it.
I learned to create a little more space between my thoughts and actions—actually between my feelings and reactions. This is extremely important; without it, life can be a real roller coaster ride.
If you resist change, you resist life.
If you think hundred percent logically, there is really no possibility of life.
If you want God as a tranquilizer, it is okay as an idea, but if you want the Divine to be an awakening process in your life, an idea is not good enough.
If you want to become life sensitive, a simple process that you do is this: make whatever you think and whatever you feel less important. Try and see for one day. Suddenly you will feel the breeze, the rain, the flowers and the people, everything in a completely different way. Suddenly the life in you becomes much more active and alive for your experience.
Life is a circus when your intellect and your body alone are involved. Life is a dance, when the intelligence begins to play its role.
Life should touch you, even if life smothers you, it’s better than remaining untouched by life
Money is definitely needed, but how much money do we really need? If we would change our idea of a successful life to a joyful life, we would find our need for money would dramatically decrease.
Most people are investing their whole lifetime just for their material well-being. Dying to live, this is called.
Only if you know to what extent your logic should go and where it should not go, your life will be beautiful.
People who have failed in their lives, they are suffering their failure. People who have succeeded in their life, they are suffering their success.
Resentment, anger, jealousy, pain, hurt, and depression are poisons that you drink but expect someone else to die. Life does not work that way. Most people take lifetimes to understand this simple truth.
The fear is simply because you are not living with life, you are living in your mind.
The most beautiful moments in life are moments when you are expressing your joy, not when you are seeking it.
The quality of your life depends on how well you manage your body, your mind, your emotion, your situations, your home, your communities, nations, your life in general and the world.
The sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. Idiots are always dead sure about every damn thing they are doing in their life.
The walls of self-preservation that you build for today are the walls of self-imprisonment for tomorrow. Boundaries that you establish in your life as a protection for yourself today will feel like constraints tomorrow.
There is only life, life, and life alone, moving from one dimension to another, another dimension to another.
To program the calories you must consume and the number of hours you must sleep is a foolish way to handle life.
Whatever has been the highest experience in your life should become the centerpiece around which your life is structured.
When you have that, you dream of this and when you have this, you dream of that. Maybe you call it romantic, but it’s just plain stupidity. It destroys life.
You have too much social influence upon you. You are not going by your own nature. People do so many nonsensical life-negative things because they don’t want to be left out of the scene around them.
Your ideas of good and bad are just a certain level of prejudice against life.
Your life is just about craving, and making something else tremendously more important than you.
Sadhguru Quotes On Love and Relationship
Love is your quality. Love is not what you do. Love is what you are.
Generally, the smartest people on the planet – those people who think they are really smart – tend to have the most horrible relationships.
If you are forming relationships to seek happiness – you trying to squeeze happiness out of someone and that person trying to squeeze happiness out of you – this is going to be a painful relationship after some time.
If your body goes in search of a relationship, we call this sexuality. If your mind goes in search of relationships, we call this companionship. If your emotion goes in search of relationships, we call this love. If your energies go in search of relationship, we call this yoga.
Too many people are hungry not because there is dearth of food. It is because there is dearth of love and care in human hearts.
Sadhguru Quotes On Mind
An intellectual understanding that is not backed by experiential knowledge can lead to mind games and deceptive states.
If you are not using your mind for self-torture, why would you think of peace?
If you tell yourself you don’t want to think a certain thought, that is precisely the first thing your mind will produce! That is the nature of the human mind.
If your sadness is reminding you that you are incomplete, it is good. Make use of your sadness to grow. When sadness sets in, if you become more compassionate, more caring, and more loving, you have some sense in you.
In the vastness of the cosmos, everything is going perfect, but one nasty little thought in your mind can make it a bad day. That is lack of perspective.
Mind is not in any one place. Every cell in this body has its own intelligence. The brain is sitting in your head, but mind is all over the place.
Sex in the body is fine. Money in the wallet is fine. It is only a problem when they enter your mind.
The essence of yoga, as we have said before, is just this—to arrive at that moment where there is a clear space between you and your mind.
The mind is a powerful instrument. Every thought, every emotion that you create changes the very chemistry of your body.
To rise above the modifications of your mind, when you cease your mind, when you cease to be a part of your mind, that is yoga.
Why do we refer to the mind as a circus? A circus is not a mess; a circus is a very coordinated activity deliberately made to look like a mess. On one level it is a mess, but on another, it is a highly coordinated activity.
Your mind need not be controlled; your mind needs to be liberated.
Sadhguru Quotes On Work
No work is stressful. It is your inability to manage your body, mind, and emotions that make it stressful.
Today people just go on working, working and working. Not because they are creating something fantastic, but simply because they have to work, otherwise they don’t know what to do with themselves.
Famous Quotes of Sadhguru
Believing means you have assumed something that you do not know; seeking means you have realized that you do not know.
Bullshit may get you to the top, but it never lets you stay there!
But when it comes to the inner situation, there is only one ingredient: you. At least you must happen the way you want.
Do you understand? Man needs entertainment simply to hide his madness. If he was perfectly sane, he would not need entertainment. He could just sit and watch this bamboo grow. He does not really need entertainment.
Eating natural foods, in their uncooked condition, when the cells are still alive, will bring an enormous sense of health and vitality to the system.
Every human being is longing for involvement. Not for touch, not for a kiss, not for sex, not for anything else; one is basically longing for a deep sense of involvement.
Freedom—or mukti or moksha—is seen as the natural longing in every human being and our ultimate destination.
Frustration, discouragement, and depression mean that you are working against yourself.
I am not here to speak the Truth. I am here just to give you a method to perceive it.
If you are alone and getting bored then you are obviously in bad company.
If you consciously get your body into different postures, you can elevate your consciousness.
If you think you are big, you become small. If you know you are nothing, you become unlimited. That’s the beauty of being a human being.
It is our compulsive reaction to the situations in which we are placed that causes stress.
Krishna says in the Gita, The worst crime in the world is indecision.
Man needs entertainment simply to hide his madness. If he was perfectly sane, he would not need entertainment. He could just sit and watch this bamboo grow. He does not really need entertainment.
Most carnivorous animals do not eat every day—definitely not three times a day! They know the food they eat moves very slowly through their tracts.
Mysticism is like pure science; it has no use. Mysticism is just the human longing to know… Occult is not science. Occult is just technology.
Nothing has ever been out of place in this existence. Things have been out of place in human societies.
Once your intellect gets identified with something, it gets chained to the identifications, and leaves you with a completely distorted experience of the world.
One should use information and logic as a drunkard would use a lamp post, only for support, not for illumination.
Our lives become beautiful not because of what we do, our lives become beautiful simply because we have included everybody around us as a part of our dream of well-being.
People have fallen in love with words and lost the world. It’s time to regain it.
Reactivity is enslavement. Responsibility is freedom.
Relief from something that you cannot hold within you is always the greatest pleasure, isn’t it? Whatever that thing may be!
Renunciation, or refusing to identify with that which one gathers (however precious it may be), is the ultimate doorway to knowing.
Right now, you don’t have the necessary faculties to know anything which is beyond the physical. If you recognize this, if you understand this, if you accept this absolutely, only then the other dimension opens up.
So the whole process of spirituality is just about enhancing your perception.
Sunlight comes into your house not because you want it. It happens because you open the windows.
The identity around which the intellect functions is called ahankara.
The logic is simple: if you do the right things, the right things will happen to you even without your intent.
The more you try to be special, the more you get hurt. Just be, just melt and become part of the wind around you, the earth around you, become a part of everything. You’re here only for a while. At least when you’re in a place like this, where nobody is going to trample on you, let your defenses down.
The only thing that stands between you and your well-being is a simple fact: you have allowed your thoughts and emotions to take instruction from the outside rather than the inside.
The path is not difficult. It is very simple. If you are simple, it’s very simple. If you are all wound up, the path is very, very winding. That’s all it is.
The whole art of being a Guru is just this: to constantly puncture people’s egos and still manage to remain their friend.
The whole effort of the spiritual process is to break the boundaries you have drawn for yourself and experience the immensity that you are. The aim is to unshackle yourself from the limited identity you have forged, as a result of your own ignorance, and live the way the Creator made you—utterly blissful and infinitely responsible.
The whole spiritual process is just this: that you are willing to take the next step not knowing where it will lead you. If you are not ready for that, that means you are not ready for any new possibility.
There is only one calamity: ignorance. And there is only one solution: enlightenment.
There is so much adventure that only a youth can experience. Youth is not the time to languish in pleasure – youth is the time for exploration and adventure.
They have been promising us for a long time — in every culture — that they are going to take us to heaven. They promise heaven because they are making a hell out of this place.
Things do not descend upon anything that is not ready to receive them.
Unless you begin to see the hollowness of where you are right now, you will not begin to seek something else strongly.
You cannot choose a Guru. Deepen your longing and the Guru will choose you.