Top Quotes of Henri Matisse

- “Art should be something like a good armchair in which to rest from physical fatigue.” – Henri Matisse
- “Creativity takes courage.” – Henri Matisse
- “Derive happiness in oneself from a good day’s work, from illuminating the fog that surrounds us.” – Henri Matisse
- “I do not literally paint that table, but the emotion it produces upon me.” – Henri Matisse
- “I don’t paint things. Only paint the difference between things.” – Henri Matisse
- “My pictures are made up of four or five colors that collide with one another…” – Henri Matisse
- “The essential thing is to work in a state of mind that approaches prayer.” – Henri Matisse
Top Quotes of Henri Matisse
Quotes about Art and Creativity by Henri Matisse
Effort Quotes by Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse Quotes about Feelings
Henri Matisse Quotes on Flowers
Quotes about Art and Creativity by Henri Matisse
A picture must possess a real power to generate light and for a long time now I’ve been conscious of expressing myself through light or rather in light.
Henri Matisse
A thimbleful of red is redder than a bucketful.
Henri Matisse
Cutting straight into color reminds me of the direct carving of the sculptor.
Henri Matisse
Don’t wait for inspiration. It comes while one is working.
Henri Matisse
Drawing is like making an expressive gesture with the advantage of permanence.
Henri Matisse
I would like to recapture that freshness of vision which is characteristic of extreme youth when all the world is new to it.
Henri Matisse
I wouldn’t mind turning into a vermilion goldfish.
Henri Matisse
Impressionism is the newspaper of the soul.
Henri Matisse
It has bothered me all my life that I do not paint like everybody else.
Henri Matisse
It is only after years of preparation that the young artist should touch color – not color used descriptively, that is, but as a means of personal expression.
Henri Matisse
Much of the beauty that arises in art comes from the struggle an artist wages with his limited medium.
Henri Matisse
Seek the strongest color effect possible… the content is of no importance.
Henri Matisse
The portrait is one of the most curious art forms. It demands special qualities in the artist, and an almost total kinship with the model.
Henri Matisse
What I dream of is an art of balance.
Work cures everything.
Henri Matisse
Would not it be best to leave room to mystery?
Henri Matisse
Another word for creativity is courage.
Henri Matisse
Creative people are curious, flexible, and independent with a tremendous spirit and a love of play.
Henri Matisse
One gets into a state of creativity by conscious work.
Henri Matisse
The artist begins with a vision – a creative operation requiring effort. Creativity takes courage.
Henri Matisse
Effort Quotes by Henri Matisse
All my efforts go into creating an art that can be understood by everyone.
Henri Matisse
I have always tried to hide my efforts and wished my works to have a light joyousness of springtime which never lets anyone suspect the labors it has cost me.
Henri Matisse
Seeing is in itself a creative act which requires effort.
Henri Matisse
The artist begins with a vision – a creative operation requiring an effort.
Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse Quotes about Feelings
…for whether we want to or not, we belong to our time and we share in its opinions, its feelings, even its delusions.
Henri Matisse
Drawing is . . . not an exercise of particular dexterity, but above all a means of expressing intimate feelings and moods.
Henri Matisse
I am unable to distinguish between the feeling I have for life and my way of expressing it.
Henri Matisse
I am unable to make any distinction between the feeling I get from life and the way I translate that feeling into painting.
Henri Matisse
I have simply wished to assert the reasoned and independent feeling of my own individuality within a total knowledge of tradition.
Henri Matisse
It is through the human figure that I best succeed in expressing the nearly religious feeling that I have towards life.
Henri Matisse
My choice of colors does not rest on any scientific theory, it is based on observation, on feeling, on the experience of my sensibility.
Henri Matisse
Purer colors… have in themselves, independently of the objects they serve to express, a significant action on the feelings of those who look at them.
Henri Matisse
Simple colours can affect the intimate feelings with all the more force because they are simple.
Henri Matisse
The residuum of another’s expression can never be related to one’s own feeling.
Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse Quotes on Flowers
An artist must not feel under any constraint.
Henri Matisse
He who loves, flies, runs, and rejoices; he is free and nothing holds him back.
Henri Matisse
There are always flowers for those who want to see them.
Henri Matisse
There are flowers everywhere, for those who bother to look.
Henri Matisse
There is nothing more difficult for a truly creative painter than to paint a rose, because before he can do so he has first to forget all the roses that were ever painted.
Henri Matisse
When I started to paint I felt transported into a kind of paradise… In everyday life I was usually bored and vexed… Starting to paint I felt gloriously free.
Henri Matisse