Home - 40+ Motivational quotes of Les Brown on Life & Success

40+ Motivational quotes of Les Brown on Life & Success

    Leslie Calvin who popularly known as Les Brown. He was born on born February 17, 1945 in Liberty city of Florida. Les Brown is an American motivational speaker, author, and was a radio DJ, and television host. Here we listed with the Les Brown Quotes

    Les Brown Motivational Quotes

    You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.

    Les Brown

    Shoot for the moon and if you miss you will still be among the stars.

    Les Brown

    Today, you expand or you are expendable.

    Les Brown

    The people that want to step into their greatness are hungry.

    Les Brown

    It’s not over until I win.

    Les Brown

    You must be willing to do what others won’t do, to have what others won’t have.

    Les Brown

    Most people fail in life not because they aim too high and miss, but because they aim too low and hit.

    Les Brown

    Less brown Quotes on Dreams

    You take on the responsibility for making your dream a reality.

    Les Brown

    Review your goals twice every day in order to be focused on achieving them.

    Les Brown

    Your goals are the road maps that guide you and show you what is possible for your life.

    Les Brown

    You must remain focused on your journey to greatness.

    Les Brown

    Honor your commitments with integrity.

    Les Brown

    If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams.

    Les Brown

    Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours.

    Les Brown

    Goals help you channel your energy into action.

    Les Brown

    Get your ideas on paper and study them. Do not let them go to waste

    Les Brown

    Less brown Quotes on Success

    We were all born with a certain degree of power. The key to success is discovering this innate power and using it daily to deal with whatever challenges come our way.

    Les Brown

    Easy is not an option!

    Les Brown

    The best gifts are those we not only cherish but put to use.

    Les Brown

    The greatest revenge is massive success.

    Les Brown

    Just because Fate doesn’t deal you the right cards, it doesn’t mean you should give up. It just means you have to play the cards you get to their maximum potential.

    Les Brown

    The most successful people in the world failed the most.

    Les Brown

    If you have children who love and respect you, this too can be a sign of your success.

    Les Brown

    Les Brown Quotes on Life

    Life takes on meaning when you become motivated, set goals and charge after them in an unstoppable manner.

    Les Brown

    We have to live life with a sense of urgency so not a minute is wasted.

    Les Brown

    We are living in very challenging times. Pressured in the workplace and stressed out at home, people are trying to make sense of their lives.

    Les Brown

    Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.

    Les Brown

    All of us need to grow continuously in our lives.

    Les Brown

    We must look for ways to be an active force in our own lives. We must take charge of our own destinies, design a life of substance and truly begin to live our dreams.

    Les Brown

    Other people’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality.

    Les Brown

    If you don’t program yourself, life will program you

    Les Brown

    You don’t get in life what you want; you get in life what you are.

    Les Brown

    I will heighten my life by helping others heighten theirs.

    Les Brown

    You need to make a commitment, and once you make it. Then life will give you some answers.

    Les Brown

    Making things happen in your life requires a faith, or an ability to believe that is unshakable, regardless of your circumstances.

    Les Brown

    Life is more meaningful when you are always looking to grow and working toward a goal.

    Les Brown

    When you don’t move on life, life moves on you.

    Les Brown

    Les Brown Quotes on Fear

    Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.

    Les Brown

    Fear does not have any special power unless you empower it by submitting to it.

    Les Brown

    The only real failure is when you quit entirely when you have something left in the tank.

    Les Brown

    People are so scared to fail – “failure’ is one of the reasons I felt like I missed a ton of opportunities because I was scared of looking bad

    Les Brown

    If you allow your self-esteem to erode, your fear will eat at you; ultimately it could destroy you.

    Les Brown

    If you allow your self-esteem to erode, your fear will eat at you; ultimately it could destroy you.

    Les Brown

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