A star can never die. It just turns into a smile and melts back into the cosmic music, the dance of life.
Micheal Jackson
All of us are products of our childhood.
Micheal Jackson
Before I would hurt a child, I would slit my wrists.
Micheal Jackson
Before you judge me, try hard to love me, look within your heart. Then ask: – have you seen my childhood?
Micheal Jackson
But I will never stop helping and loving people the way Jesus said to.
Micheal Jackson
Children show me in their playful smiles the divine in everyone. This simple goodness shines straight from their hearts and only asks to be loved.
Micheal Jackson
Consciousness expresses itself through creation. This world we live in is the dance of the creator.
Micheal Jackson
Feeling free, let us fly, into the boundless, beyond the sky.
Micheal Jackson
Hope is such a beautiful word, but it often seems very fragile. Life is still being needlessly hurt and destroyed.
Micheal Jackson
I don’t care if the whole world is against you or teasing you or saying you’re not gonna make it. Believe in yourself, no matter what.
Micheal Jackson
I was a veteran, before I was a teenager.
Micheal Jackson
I will never stop helping and loving people.
Micheal Jackson
I’m going to search for my star until I find it. It’s hidden in the drawer in a scarf of wonder.
Micheal Jackson
I’m happy to be who I am.
Micheal Jackson
If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.
Micheal Jackson
If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and make a change.
Micheal Jackson
I’m just like anyone. I cut and I bleed. And I embarass easily.
Micheal Jackson
In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope.
Micheal Jackson
In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.
Micheal Jackson
In their innocence, very young children know themselves to be light and love. If we will allow them, they can teach us to see ourselves the same way.
Micheal Jackson

Just doing as well as you did last time is not good enough.
Micheal Jackson
Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth.
Micheal Jackson
Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons.
Micheal Jackson
My attitude is if fashion says it’s forbidden, I’m going to do it.
Micheal Jackson
My fans truly are a part of me, we share something that most people will never experience.
Micheal Jackson
My mother’s wonderful. To me she’s perfection.
Micheal Jackson
Please go for your dreams. Whatever your ideals, you can become whatever you want to become.
Micheal Jackson
Please keep an open mind and let me have my day in court.
Micheal Jackson
Some friends are like shadows, you only see them when the sun shines.
Micheal Jackson
The greatest education in the world is watching the masters at work.
Micheal Jackson
The meaning of life is contained in every single expression of life. It is present in the infinity of forms and phenomena that exist in all of creation.”
Micheal Jackson
This world we live in is the dance of the creator. Dancers come and go in the twinkling of an eye, but the dance lives on.
Micheal Jackson
To give someone a piece of your heart, is worth more than all the wealth in the world.
Micheal Jackson
To live is to be musical, starting with the blood dancing in your veins. Everything living has a rhythm. Do you feel your music?
Micheal Jackson
When all life is seen as divine, everyone grows wings.
Micheal Jackson
When I see children, I see the face of God. That’s why I love them so much. That’s what I see.
Micheal Jackson
You can’t do your best when you’re doubting yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself, who will?
Micheal Jackson
You can’t hurt me, I found peace within myself.
Micheal Jackson