Happy Independence day Wishes

Freedom is the greatest gift to mankind. Always cherish it. Happy Independence Day!

India want its superheroes again. Be the change and bring the change. Happy Independence day.

I am a proud Indian! Not a Hindu, Muslim, Sikh and Christian. Happy Independence Day from a true Indian.

August 15 is the most memorable day. It is the day we got freedom from colonial rule. Happy Independence Day!

Forgetting and forgiving is the two things that can solve any problem in no time. Happy Independence day.

I love my India and I can do anything to protect its integrity. Become the one and enjoy the independence day.
An Indian is above caste and creed. He/she is the one who leads the world. Become an Indian first before anything else.
Every year a bit of “me” in us gets free; every year there is someone enjoying the freedom in their own terms. Happy Independence Day!
I always pray to God to make me the citizen of India in every life. And give me the role of a solider. Happy Independence Day.
I wish that my country continues to make economic progress. Happy Independence Day!
If we would have not declared internal wars, so many martyrs would still live happily but here we are saluting the bodies instead. Happy Independence Day!
If you want to see the problem free India, change your attitude and starting solving issues instead of complaining.
India has not received Independence in true sense yet. It will not be happy till we are separate. Happy Independence day.
India is my land and I am here to protect its integrity and unity. May you have eternal independence.
India is the country on which world proud. We have to become citizens of kind that India should proud of. Happy Independence day.

India is the symbol of peace and harmony. Bring this in your attitude. Happy Independence day.
If you will stop watching debates on channel, you will come to know how beautiful our country is actually. Happy Independence day.
It is because of the vision of our great leaders that India is today striving ahead in all spheres. Happy Independence Day!
It is through the sacrifice of thousands of people that we achieved our much cherished freedom. Happy Independence Day!

Its’ the time to get painted by united and integrity, by saffron, white and green. Happy Independence Day Family!
Let us all work hard to make our nation the best in the world. Happy Independence Day!
Let us strive to maintain the unity and diversity of this great nation of ours. Wishing you a very happy Independence Day.
Let us strive to make our future much better and prosperous. Happy Independence Day!
Let’s celebrate independence day having freedom in mind, faith in heart and memories of our heroes in heart.
Let’s forget all the negativities and then you will realize how beautiful the India is in reality. Happy Independence Day.
Let’s not forget that this independence has come after a long and huge struggle. Respect it and love it. Happy independence day.
Let’s take a pledge that we will not allow anyone breaking our unity. We are one, we are united. Happy Independence day.
Life taught us one thing, no matter how proud we are and we can be, we will still treat the worker less than us and that’s not democratic. Happy Independence Day!
Lucky are those who are born in this wonderful country. Happy Independence Day!
Make your life worth living by devoting it to the service of our beloved country. Happy Independence Day!
May the future bring more glory to our great nation. Wishing all a very happy Independence Day.
May this Independence Day bring harmony between all the communities. Happy Independence Day!
Never forget the sacrifices made by ur valiant freedom fighters for the independence of our great nation. Wishing everyone a happy Independence Day.
No battle could be won by words. It needs action. India wants it’s citizen to act and make her proud. Happy Independence day.
No caste can divide us, no laws can apart us, no colors or creed can decide our future because we are children of one mother, Happy Independence Day!
No matter what our religion, in the end we are all Indians. May our nation become the most prosperous in the world. Happy Independence Day!
On the independence day, take inspiration from our national leaders and inherit some patriotism on self and become a proud Indian
Our coming generation should understand the value of independence. Let’s celebrate the day with such a zeal and enthusiasm.
Our forefathers taught us to keep our heads high. Let us make a pledge that we will never again become slaves. Happy Independence Day!
Our freedom fighters fought hard so that we could life a free life. Our freedom should not be taken for granted. Happy Independence Day!
Our freedom fighters gave us a great lesson. Never to lose hope no matter how tough the situation is. Happy Independence Day!
Our freedom fighters hd a dream for the country. Let us realise that dream by working hard for the development of our motherland. Happy Independence Day!
Our nation is one of the best in various fields. Let’s make it the best in its citizens as well. Happy Independence day.
People who call India as a bad country, should give a look at Iraq, Nigeria, Yemen. Happy Independence Day.
Slavery is the worst forms of evil. Thank the valiant freedom fighters who fought for our independence and gave us freedom from slavery. Happy Independence Day!
Thank God, I was born in free India. This is because of the sacrifices made by our great freedom fighters. Happy Independence Day!
The beautiful hills and mountains of North, enchanting rivers and glaciers top to bottom, charming terrains are wishing you a Happy Independence day.
The citizens of a country create the image of a country. Be a good citizen and let India to proud on us. Happy Independence day.
The citizens of any nations are the trunk of a tree. The tree will be greener if its trunk is strong and firm. Happy independence day.
The day when we will start thinking that we are Indian first, we will become independent in the true sense.
The flowing rivers, green terrains, skyscraper mountains, deep hills all are singing today, happy independence day.
The invaders subjugated us but they were never able to break our spirit. Wishing you a very happy Independence Day.
The tribute will always be less for our freedom fighters but the salute to all will never be less. Saluting the entire nation, Happy Independence day!
This Independence Day promise yourself to support your nation in every small manner possible, just don’t talk show yourself that you can do it. Independence Day wishes.
This wonderful day is a reminder of the sacrifices our freedom fighters made for the country. Happy Independence Day!
Thousands laid down their lives to protect the dignity of the flag. Respect the freedom. Happy Independence Day!
To enjoy independence, we should change our thoughts and perception. Become an Indian first. Happy independence day.
To make India a better country, try to bring changes around you. With ur little efforts, tremendous change will come. Happy Independence Day.
To our freedom fighters, to our soldiers, to our heroes of the nation, they are the reason we are still alive and we will never forget their sacrifice. Happy Independence Day!
Today I breath the air of freedom because of the efforts of our great freedom fighters. Happy Independence Day!
Today is independence day, let’s celebrate the day with enthusiasm and do something exceptional. Be the leader.
Today we are free because of the efforts of our freedom fighters. We promise that we will always cherish our freedom. Happy Independence Day!
Unity in diversity is our country’s USP. Let’s make it strong and unbreakable. Happy Independence Day.
We are lucky to be born in such a great nation. Let us work hard to make it better. Happy Independence Day!
We will always preserve the freedom for which our freedom fighters laid down their lives. Happy Independence Day!
What if there was no fight between Hindu and Muslim, culture and creed we would be flourishing to the moments of together between beating different nations. Happy Independence Day!
When it comes to India’s integrity, we should always protect it forgetting our internal conflicts. Happy Independence day.
You know the biggest feeling is patriotism, no wonder where an Indian lives but an Indian will always love India. Happy Independence Day!
Happy Independence Day to all my friends. May you live long life and enjoy its each moment.
Happy Independence day to all my friends. We all should do something to celebrate independence day differently this year.
Happy Independence day to dearest citizens of India. We all should proud of our country and love it.
Happy Independence day to you, Dear India. We are there to protect from all danger, while you keep growing.
Happy Independence day! Let make some difference in our thoughts and goals to make India proud of us.
Happy Independence day Quotes
Freedom is never dear at any price. It is the breath of life. What would a man not pay for living?
Mahatma Gandhi
It is our duty to pay for our liberty with our own blood. The freedom that we shall win through our sacrifice and exertions, we shall be able to preserve with our own strength.
Subhas Chandra Bose
Let freedom reign. The sun never set on so glorious a human achievement.
Nelson Mandela
This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.
Elmer Davis
Independence means.. enjoying the freedom and empowering others too to let them do so.
Patriotism is, fundamentally, a conviction that a particular country is the best in the world because you were born in it….
George Bernard Shaw
In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Enjoy the peace your valor won. Let independence be our boast, Ever mindful what it cost; Ever grateful for the prize, Let its altar reach the skies!
Joseph Hopkinson
Freedom lies in being bold.
Robert Frost
Better to die fighting for freedom than be a prisoner all the days of your life.
Bob Marley
Freedom is the atmosphere in which humanity thrives. Breathe it in.
Richelle E. Goodrich
Happy Independence day to you, Dear India.